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  • Writer's pictureRichard Roppa

Reopening Your Business Amidst COVID-19 - What to Know

The global health crisis that blew up during the first half of 2020 prompted businesses across various industries to reduce or completely halt their physical activity. This was done to comply with the social distancing and isolation measures enforced by the government to prevent the further spread of the virus.

Months later, communities and states are beginning to reopen, and businesses are looking to resume their operations. This resumption of activities, of course, must be compliant with the guidelines set by the CDC along with the different states.

Aside from this, businesses must also strive to rebuild and maintain constant communication with their employees and clients. As these are still sensitive times, paying attention, and responding to the people’s needs will significantly help you resume your operations without complications.

If you are about to resume your business activities, here are some steps you must take to reach out to your employees:

1. Check In With Your Employees

As your employees will be mainly the ones facing your clients when you reopen, you need to gauge their comfort levels first. Furthermore, you have to understand that some of them may still have doubts and reservations about reporting to work physically.

Be quick to address these needs and concerns and consider them when strategizing your resumption of activities.

2. Re-establish Your Communication

While most of your team members—if not all—have different opinions about the reopening, not a lot of them may speak up. Considering this, you need to go beyond re-establishing your internal communication. You must also provide a safe space for your employees to voice their concerns and be heard and respected.

Furthermore, you must also communicate your reopening strategy with everyone on the team. Let them know the procedures that will be in place along with the new schedules you will follow. Doing so will empower them and make them feel more comfortable about the upcoming changes.

3. Talk About Safety Measures

Your employees may be hesitant to come to work, especially if your operations include regularly working with clients face-to-face.

You can address these qualms by creating and communicating safety policies. It could include requiring both your team members and clients to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) inside your workplace. It could also include dedicating separate entrance and exit doors as well as placing marks in hallways and chairs to help maintain social distancing.

Enforcing such measures and communicating them with your team members will help them feel safe about coming to work.

4. Reach Out to Clients

While protecting your employees, you must also strive to ensure your clients’ comfort and safety. You have to plan the best way to accommodate clients in your workplace without congregating them in the lobby. You also need to create a system that allows you to keep a note of your visitors in the unfortunate event that you would need to conduct contact tracing.

Ultimately, leverage technology whenever possible. Encourage your clients to opt for virtual meetings instead of face-to-face dialogues. Doing so will help you ensure everyone’s safety.


Just like how adjusting to the new normal had been very difficult, reopening your business amidst it can also be challenging. You need to resume operations to address your clients’ needs, but you need to do so in a way that would not jeopardize anyone. The first step to take is to enforce well-planned health and safety measures on your premises. Then, keep both your employees and clients informed for a truly safe and successful reopening.

For sound business guidance in Palm Springs, CA, look no further than Quasar Cowboy! Our passionate team advises software companies and bookkeeping firms to help them stand out and reach their goals. Get in touch today to learn how we can help your firm navigate these trying times.

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